Le Voyage: Kasungu!
Le Voyage: Kasungu! How Can I Ever Forget Kasungu? Kasungu, a humble district in Malawi, will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was there that I discovered my true calling. My first significant job brought me to this small town, where I spent most of my days immersed in rural communities, connecting with locals, and working toward something deeply fulfilling. Kasungu introduced me to my passion, and for that, I’ll always be grateful. A Journey of Hope When I first learned I’d gotten the job in Kasungu, I was overjoyed. The position was everything I had dreamed of; helping bring school dropouts back to class. My title? Out-of-School Child Specialist. What could be more rewarding than changing lives through education? For me, this job was pure gold. Leaving Zomba, my serene home city in southern Malawi, felt like the children of Israel leaving Egypt for Canaan. I wa...