Many have  failed to figure out who I am. Now Let's talk about me, shall we? 😆

To many, I am a mystery; unpredictable, as they like to say. To those who know me well, I am fun to be around, even talkative. But truth be told, I don’t entirely see myself through their eyes. I have always thought of myself as calm, composed, and maybe even a little shy. Introverted, if you will.

One thing has always been clear, though: I know my creative power. I’ve always been the one to dream up ideas effortlessly. Ideas of change, growth, and transformation. Stagnation? I can’t stand it. Failure? I refuse to befriend it. I thrive on building something out of nothing, on shaping what seems out of place into something extraordinary. Those who know me best will tell you this: I am an advisor of transformation.

And that’s where Girlfriends in Faith comes in. This is more than just my brainchild; it’s my dream turned reality. Once, someone asked me about my calling. My answer? “A mother.” At first, it may sound ordinary. But hear me out.

Yes, I am a mother to two beautiful children, but the kind of motherhood I’m talking about is something entirely different. This is a calling that goes beyond biology. I’ve been called to mother generations. To stand by those who cry in the dark, to listen to their fears, to nurture their dreams, and to provide for emotional needs that the world often overlooks.

Here’s the part no one talks about. As a mother of many, I have seen nights turn sleepless because one of “my kids” needed saving from the depths of suicidal thoughts. I’ve spent early mornings holding space for someone who just needed to cry and be heard. These moments, though heavy, are precious. They’re the moments I’ll miss when my girls are grown and walking their own paths. They define what it means to mother a community, to love unconditionally, and to guide selflessly.

Mothering this community, however, is not a one-person job. I am forever grateful to the amazing women who have worked alongside me, making this journey easier and richer. Together, we are raising a generation of strong and responsible people.

My girls? I love them with every fiber of my being. The door to my life remains open for them all because that’s who I am. I am a mother.

A mother of faith. A mother of hope. A mother of transformation. And for this, I will always be grateful!


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